Sunday, July 13, 2014

Wine and Allergies

Do you like wine but cannot indulge because wine does not like you?
Have you experienced these symptoms: blotches, hives,
throbbing headaches, hot flashes, breathing problems?
Many wine lovers experience these symptoms & give up wine entirely.
Wine drinkers reason that they are allergic to wine or sulfites in wine.

What's really going on?
Grapes are grown and a winemaker makes a vinification choice
and ferments grapes with yeast.
The yeast produces histamines from juice toxins.
Now, there are steps a winemaker can make to keep his wines low in histamines.
To keep this simple it's about how you sort the grapes and
keep excellent sanitation practices during the fall grape harvest.
There is another choice winemakers can make.
If sulfite levels are monitored to non-reaction levels, this practice will
create wines that will not trigger allergies.

There is hope for wine allergy suffers.
A small winery in Sonoma Valley CA promotes these practices.
They call it producing a clean wine. 
Google clean wine..... they are the top & only winery hit.
Their grapes are organic with excellent attention to winemaking
for their allergy-suffering customers.
The winery is called Deerfield Ranch.
If you know of other wineries that use these practices, email me with their details.
My allergic friends & I have tried Deerfield Ranch wines and the results were very positive.
Clean wines may be the answer to your symptoms.
